Bear Paddle Swim School – Oakley Station
Saturday, xx/xx/xxxx from 2:00-4:00pm

The Event:
Bear Paddle Oakley Station would like to host a Safety Town Event this xx/xx/xxxx, complete with Bear Paddle Water Safety Presentation in the club house (and water safety drills with coaches in the water). We'd also like to partner with the Oakley Fire Department and the Police Department including tours of the safety vehicles, safety demostrations, and photo-ops.

Our Cause:
At Bear Paddle, safety is our mission! Everyday we change the lives of our students in a massive way, but safety isn't just a poolside discussion. While our focus at BP is water safety, we want our students to be safe and prepared no matter what they may encounter. Starting a conversation about safety is the first step in ensuring that. This safety event allows Bear Paddle the opportunity to dive deeper into our mission and to go above and beyond our promise to keep children safe!

Why Bother?
Our goal, as a company, is to expand our reach and increase enrollment numbers. The more swimmers we have at BP, the more lives we saves!
This will be a free event for the community - as we want ALL children to learn to be safe - not just our swimmers. This will also encourage local families who may not swim with Bear Paddle (yet) to actively partake in our mission while giving us the opportunity to show them why swim lessons matter. 
This event will be one of the most extensive events Bear Paddle Oakley Station has hosted to date, and our first true community event. Including the Oakley Fire and Police Departments with draw more activity to our location, and open the door to form relationships with such important members of our society. 
In short, it will be a fun way to introduce new families to Bear Paddle, increase community presence, as well as increase the number of enrollments at our location! 

How do we pull this off?
- Advertisement on Facebook, Instagram, and our BP Blog!
- Advertisement via Cincinnati Family Magazine’s Daily Listing Spotlight
Staffing Needs:
- Paddle for the Water Safety Presentations
- Speaker for Water Safety Presentations
- 1-2 Front Dest staff members to welcome guests, keep track of attendence numbers, assist with customer service needs, enroll guests.
- 2-4 Teachers to give swim assessments during event, and/or provide water safety skill demostrations in water with swimmers
- Cancelling make-up lessons and family swim, and hosting the event during normal business hours will allows part-time employees maintain their regularly scheudled hours. (Saving $$$)
Cost to us:
- Only cost of staffing!
- Snacks/Drinks if we choose to do so

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